Well I was hoping 2015 would be a great year. I still think it will be but it has been a ruff start so far.
Not many know I have started a new life style of getting my self healthy. I have needed to do this for a long time but it took me doing it for me. So here we go so far I have lost 15 pounds maybe more. I don't know I quit weighting because the scale to me is the devil. I am really noticing my clothes fit differently and I am really beginning to feel better.
Now to the bad (well some good some bad):
Back in 2013 a very dear friend of mine died of cancer. Charlotte was a great friend that I got to see at our local Gem and Mineral shows and worked for her and her husband Keith for many years. I learned so much about gems and minerals from her and think of her often. The show is just not the same with out her. I decided to grow my hair out and donate it to locks of love in her honor. My father has done this twice now once in her memory and once in my grandfathers memory who also lost his life to cancer. Well it took me almost two years but I got there. On January 8th 2015 I went to a very close friend to get my hair cut. I was very very nervous but Joyce took great care of me.
This is before (actually goes down about 2 more inches):
How much we cut:
Literally while Joyce was cutting my pony tail off I received a text from my father that a life long friend had passed away the night before from his second round with cancer. I was needles to save devastated by the lose of Philip. I have such fond memories of spending time with Philip at Boy Scout functions that I went to with my father. I truly loved Philip. I will never forget when my father was having his heart attack, I know Philip was placed by God to be the nurse on duty. Philip was such a calming presence during that whole day and I know that that was God telling me everything will be ok. Philip's laugh was so unique and so infectious. I know we all have an amazing guardian angel watching over us both by Philip and by Charlotte.
So I will be donating my hair to Locks of Love in Charlotte's and Philip's honor. Two amazing people that were lost to a terrible disease way too soon in their lives.
I pray that the rest of 2015 is calm and uneventful; and I will continue to better myself. There are some great and amazing people in my life that such great supporters and I hope and pray that I can help them as much as they help me. I love you all so much.