Roxy wanted to play in it so bad but since breaking her leg the cold really get to her. So she would play for a couple minutes then want in to cuddle and be under the blankets with mommy:)

I have been beginning to feel better again and trying to start my weight lose again and hoping to do great at that this year. I have also been trying to do more with my craft work and even joined a great group called art abandonment on face book. Group can be found here. I am excited to get started and make some stuff. Back in November I went to our local Painting with a Twist with some Girl Scout friend and had a lot of fun. Here is what we painted:

That is 2nd row left (blue and white shirt) My mom is in the red shirt right below me. :)
So I decided to paint on some of the little 2.5" square canvas that I found at Walmart and maybe abandon those. :) We shall see. More to come on that. Here is my first one. :)

Well coloring wise I have been playing around with that to some. Did a nativity for mom for Christmas, and some others for gifts. Here are a few:

This one is for my Best friend Jake. But gonna redo cause got coffee split on it. I decided to stain the rest of it and kinda like it.

This one is also for Jake in memory of his little girl that was taken from this world way to soon. Her name was Carlie Rose Conley so I made this for him. Him and his mom both like it so much that they are considering getting it as a tattoo.

Moms Christmas present. When she opened it she cried and then latter noticed i missed a lady bug upper left had corner. AHhhh. ;) She collects Nativities so that is why I did this one.
So here are a few others I have done.